Tuesday, 29 January 2013

What we actually eat

I definitely have a few cooking blogs and cooking websites that I love to look at for inspiration (or just to see how crazy some chefs really are).  But 6 days a week we aren't making a special recipe that we've planned, shopped, and prepared for.  Or maybe 7 days a week!  Sure, sure, I've made some stunning meals (if I do say so myself) but 99 percent of the time, we make rice dishes, pizzas, soups, or are grilling.  Ninety-nice percent of time, my meal planning begins with "what do we have in the house for dinner?"  We do try to cook, mostly.  And have pulled off some pretty interesting and delicious meals. We've also eaten rice and steamed carrots 'cause that is all we had.  Check out the What We Eat (or Ate) page for some real dinner ideas.  Feel free to post a comment if you want any more info on anything posted or have some of your own ideas!

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